Why subscribe?

Some of the best political analysts in Iowa are coming together to offer insights and perspectives earned through years of covering and analyzing Iowa politics.

Who are we?

Our panelists include Iowa Writers’ Collaborative members, veteran television news reporters/analysts Dave Busiek (KCCI-TV), Dave Price (WHO-TV, currently KTIV4), and Dennis Goldford, a retired Drake University Political Science professor. Ed Tibbetts, former editorial page editor for the Quad City Times; longtime radio broadcaster Dr. Robert Leonard; and newspaper owners Douglas Burns, Dana James, and Art Cullen.

Laura Belin covers Iowa legislative news and politics like no other through her Bleeding Heartland blog and Substack column.

Julie Gammack, former WHO-AM talk radio host and Des Moines Register columnist, and Barry Piatt, from Washington, D.C., who served as press secretary to members of Congress on both the House and Senate sides.

Kathie Obradovich is a long-time political reporter and columnist who served as editorial page editor for The Des Moines Register before joining the digital Iowa States Newsroom project, Iowa Capital Dispatch.

Several of our panelists moderated presidential debates during the Iowa Caucuses. They regularly appeared on local news shows to discuss Iowa politics, but they have never before come together on this platform to discuss politics in Iowa.

It’s an exciting concept, and we hope you tell your friends about it.

More about the Iowa Writers’ Collaborative Politics Panel

Click on the names below for more information:

, Dana James

Kathie Obradovich

Ty Rushing

Why pay to subscribe?

We intend to compensate our panelists for their time and travel expenses when necessary. They are doing this for you, the reader/listener, so we hope you will support this work if you can.


Thanks to the generosity of those who choose to become benefactors, we can fully compensate the panelists for their time. It is crucial to have an outlet for this kind of news, information, and commentary from informed Iowa journalists.

Benefactor List

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Professional political analysts discuss Iowa politics with refreshing, in-depth conversations with Iowa Writers' Collaborative members.


The Iowa Writers' Collaborative links readers with professional, independent writers who find the Iowa angle to feature stories, commentary, and news.